Sandblast Parts
IST provides a wide range of universal sandblast parts, including blast nozzles, hoses, couplings, air valves, abrasive metering valves, and much more.
IST provides a wide range of universal sandblast parts, including blast nozzles, hoses, couplings, air valves, abrasive metering valves, and much more.
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The air/blast switch turns the blast hose into a powerful air blower producing high velocity compressed air to blow dust off of the workpiece and to clean the floor by blowing abrasive media remains towards the nearest floor recovery hopper.
The depressurization switch is located inside the blast booth and allows the operator to fill up its pressure pot without the hassle of leaving the booth and taking off the safety equipment.
Same design as the Standard Pneumatic Handle Control Handle, the Electric Remote control is available with a 12V DC or 120V AC transformer that converts the electrical signal into a pneumatic signal. The response time on an electrical handle is faster than the one of a pneumatic handle and can go beyond 100 feet.
This valve is used in suction blast cabinet to adjust the amount of abrasive media being sucked by the media hose and propelled through the blast nozzle.
Conical sandblast nozzles for PPB-80-PX Light Duty Portable Sandblaster. Available from 3/32″ to 3/8″ inside diameter (ID).
High productivity silicon carbide blast nozzles for pressure blast cabinets and portable sandblasters. Available in a range of sizes, from 1/4″ to 3/4″ inside diameter (ID).
High productivity boron carbide blast nozzles with a urethane sleeve, designed for portable sandblasters. Available in a range of sizes, from 1/4″ to 1/2″ inside diameter (ID).
Preassembled hose kits designed for pressure blast cabinets and pressurized sandblasters. Available in 10′, 12 1/2′, 25′, and 50′ sections, with a choice of QC-QC or QC-NH couplings.
Personnal Protection Equipment (PPE), Airline Filtration Systems, Respiratory Protection for Workers
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